Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Homework 8/24 - Issue with Media

Issue with the Media
A dialog between the Media Critic and a man named Dr. Wright

Media Critic
Hello, I am the Media Critic, I criticize about things so you don't have to! Now today's issue is something I'd like to discuss about: The Media. Now there are many ways one can tackle the Media, it could be in terms of entertainment such as celebrities, technology, films etc... and it could also be in terms of advertisements and censorships but what about the one media not a lot of people talk about? I'm of course talking about the News. Why the news? Because they have a very fascinating way of changing the way what the news actually is into something different. With me today, I have one Dr. Wright who could give us a possible insight as to why the media would make such a mockery out of the news. Dr. Wright?

Dr. Wright
Hello Media Critic.

Media Critic
Dr. Wright, why does the media do such a thing? Change the actual news from around the world into something... untruthful?

Dr. Wright
Well Mr. Critic, it can go one of many ways. For starters, some people may say that the Government is controlling what comes in and out in terms of news. Which, to be perfectly honest, I don't see as that far off from the truth considering the news as of late were about the current Obama Administration wanting a grander control of the media.

Media Critic
Wait... so it's...true?

Dr. Wright
Yup. Now, another adding feature as to why the media have “perverted” the news, is because some medias choose what they want the news to show. Granted, local news get the leeway out of things cause they are local based. That isn't to say, however, that the news doesn't have it's tendency to be bias.

Media Critic
Like how during the Elections, news stations such as MSNBC and CNN are more geared for the Democrats and FOX is more for the Republicans?

Dr. Wright
Exactly, now excuse me while I side track here, but the media, as it's own entity, has a lovely habit of “bashing” news stations.

Media Critic
I'm... afraid you lost me there. What do you means the Media bashes news station?

Dr. Wright
Why, I'm of course referring to the Entertainment Media!

Media Critic

Dr. Wright
Take shows like Saturday Night Live, The Colbert Report and The Daily Show.

Media Critic
The...satirical shows?

Dr. Wright
Exactly, now then, these shows have a field day when something goes wrong in politics, and mainly the news. Most people won't have an issue with this, it's simply entertainment. However, there are occasions where these shows will start jabbing too much with the news and politics that is almost becomes less entertaining and almost a propaganda of sorts (luckily, not entirely). As of late, the Republicans have been getting the heavy end of the stick with the satirical shows. Like the Sarah Palin jokes and the George W. Bush jokes.

Media Critic
Haha, yeah, it is kind of funny.

Dr. Wright
But there is only so much one can jab fun at. These shows eventually made it a regular to make fun of Republicans that is almost became sort of trend. One can call this a Media Trend. In some ways, this type of media has perverted one's view on politics. The image of a Republican has been slandered into a bunch Right Winged Radicals. Because of this, news shows such as FOX aren't given much of a chance to show their news without being slandered.

Media Critic
They seem pretty fine to me.

Dr. Wright
Two words: Glen Beck. Smart man, does his research, considerate. But he has his moments where he seems... well...

Media Critic

Dr. Wright
Rude way of saying it, but yes. But you just proved my point about people being bashed because of the media. There are more examples one could give about the Media destroying the news. In fact I brought all of my ten novels to--

Media Critic
Oh! So sorry, we ran out of time.

Dr. Wright
But I haven't even…

Media Critic
Thanks for talking with us Dr. Wright.
Join us next week when we discuss why no one gives to flying CENSORED what celebrities say and why the FCC should just shove it. I'm the Media Critic, I criticize about things so you don't have to.
Good Night Folks!

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